As a freelance picture editor, I research, and edit images for the daily newspaper (print, online), research via picture agencies, brief photographers/artists, archive pictures, develop concepts for newspaper supplements highlighting environmental, and social issues, source, edit and select picture essays for the weekend supplements, and on occasion, I produce my own photography and or graphic collage art for the paper.

A collage I made for the front cover of the junge Welt for this year's International Women’s Day on the 8th of March 2024. The message is clear: No War!

For this “Alternative Travel” Supplement, I came up with the concept of highlighting the privilege of safe travel. The Images were all taken within the same week around Thanksgiving in the USA and at the Mexican Border in Tepachula 2021

Digital Collage made by me for the "Unser Amerika" supplement 2021

I worked with photographer Lee-Ann Olwage on the edit for the "Feminismus" supplement 2024

Digital Collage made by me for the "Unser Amerika" supplement 2021

Digital Collage made by me for the "Unser Amerika" supplement

Westcourt Centre in Belfast has worked to highlight the issue of Homelessness as part of its ‘Still Somebody – Voices for Change’ initiative. This is an edit from the archive of the exhibition.

A collage I made for the title page of the junge Welt newspaper in April 2024, demanding the long overdue freedom for MUMIA ABU-JAMAL on his 70th birthday.

For this Ecology Supplement, I worked with West Bengal photographer Supratim Bhattacharjee highlighting the impact of families living and working at the coal mines in Jharkhand

Concept created and edited by me for the "Kampf ums Wohnen" supplement

I worked with the Belfast Archive Project for the edit of this photo essay

I created the concept and worked with 8 women Illustrators from different backgrounds to create and edit the visuals for this feminism supplement 2021